Sunday, August 21, 2016

Encourage Family Interaction with Seesaw

Use this image in your Seesaw account to encourage interaction between families and students.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Hello Families! Seesaw Welcome

Wow! Another school year is just around the corner and I am so excited to get things rolling again. As always, Seesaw will be a huge part of our classroom. It allows students to show their learning, while parents can have a front row view of our classroom.

Before parents and students join your class, share this image to welcome families and students so they see something when they first log in to Seesaw. This will give parents a quick view of what you will use Seesaw for this school year.

If you want to know more about Seesaw, click here. Or comment below to ask questions!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Here We Go

Hi there!  I'm a first grade teacher from central Kansas and loving every bit of it. I enjoy connecting, sharing, and of course, learning. I am hoping that this will be a place where I can document my own learning as an educator and share ideas with others.

Please join me along this wonderful journey of first grade life!
Follow me on Twitter (@mrsbirzer) and on Snapchat (@mrsbirzer).